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Beth Rutty Yoga - COVID Protocol

As of September 2021, my yoga studio, Spirit Ridge, will be a double vaccination environment. I made this decision to keep the people coming here and the people in my life, safe. I will still request that you wear a mask entering the building for in-person events (classes, private sessions or workshop/trainings). If agreed upon by all, you may take your mask off while practicing. You will need to bring you own yoga mat and I will provide the props; blocks, strap or tie, and 2 blankets. Please bring a large garbage bag to house all of 'your' props for the session. Each mat will be placed 6' apart from others. 

These questions will be posted in the studio and sent out ahead of time:

  • Have you been double vaccinated for COVID-19?
  • Do you have a fever, new onset of cough, worsening chronic cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing?

  • Have you had any close contact with anyone with acute respiratory illness?

  • Have you travelled outside Ontario or Canada in the past 14 days?

  • Do you have a confirmed case of COVID-19 OR had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

  • Do you have two (2) or more of the following symptoms:

    • Sore throat

    • Hoarse Voice

    • Difficulty swallowing

    • Decreased or loss of sense of smell or taste

    • Chills

    • Headache

    • Unexplained fatigue / malaise

    • Diarrhea

    • Abdominal pain

    • Nausea/ Vomiting

    • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

    • Runny nose / sneezing without other known cause

    • Nasal congestion without other known cause

  • ​May I take your temperature?​
  • Are you 65 years of age or older, and are experiencing any of the following:
    • Delirium

    • Unexplained or increase number of falls

    • Worsening chronic conditions

If responds to ALL screening questions NO = COVID Screen Negative

If responds to ANY of the screening questions YES = COVID Screen Positive

If you are “COVID Screen Positive then:

  • You cannot come in person for at least 14 days

  • Please complete the Ontario Government’s self-assessment; and 

  • Contact an appropriate authority such as your family physician, local medical officer of health or Telehealth Ontario. 

E.    C: 905-510-0656


Refund/Cancellation Policy for All Courses/Workshops/Trainings

Upon registering for a course or workshop full payment is due 2-4 weeks before to secure your place. Once payment has been made, cancellation by participant, with refund can happen up until 7 days prior to the workshop, with a 20 percent administration fee deducted.


Within 7 days of the course, no refund will be given. There will also be no refund or give credit for any missed sessions within a multiple session course or workshop. Beth is not responsible for any portion of time you miss. Time will not be refunded or exchanged for other classes or products.

In the event Beth Rutty cancels a course due to insufficient registration or unforeseen events (i.e. weather) your fee will be refunded in full and she will reschedule if there is still interest and availability.


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