Yoga Teacher Town Hall (upon request)
Online forum with Beth Rutty to discuss and share any and all issues Yoga Teachers may have.
Service Description
$25/person - Zoom link sent when 6 or more are registered. Ask your colleagues to join you in booking a date. 6:30-7:30 pm Being a yoga teacher can have its challenges, especially in these times we're living now. Beth Rutty has been teaching yoga since 2002 and teaching yoga teachers since 2011. She now loves to support Yoga Teachers through mentorship ( She has so much knowledge and expertise that she’d love to share with you. In these Town Hall for Yoga Teacher forums Beth creates a safe and interactive space for questions, concerns, clarification and general sharing of ideas for anyone who is a yoga teacher and currently teaching or has taken a training and has some trepidation around aspects of teaching yoga. Specific and attainable goals as a yoga teacher on a multitude of levels including: • anatomy/asana • language • sequencing • theming • developing a keen eye for misalignments • contraindications • how to work one-on-one • how to develop a new class or workshop • therapeutic yoga • modified yoga Also, the business side of yoga including: • how to consolidate and create a niche area with your skill set • how and where to put your energy to achieve the goals you seek for your business and your life as a whole • how to make a living at teaching yoga • how and where to best market yourself and what you offer You name it, we can discuss it! Email to inquire about dates fro the next Yoga Teacher Town Hall.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Come into the building with the garage, through the light green door. 46397 Old Mail Road, Meaford, ON, Canada